Sunday, July 7, 2019

Scandinavia Day 17 Lake Siljan to Stockholm

Day 17 was another travel/stop and visit things day.  We started at Lake Siljan, stopped at Sweden's longest pier, visited a medieval copper mine, some Viking burial mounds, Uppsala University and finally ended in Stockholm.  All in all another pretty good day.

We had a good breakfast in our apartment before packing up to leave Lake Siljan

On the way out we stopped at Rattvik to talk the longest pier in Sweden.  It was over .6 km!

Lincoln rode when he got tired

 View from the pier

At the end of the dock there was this strange sauna/art exhibit

View of the walk back

Lincoln got the play on the dala horse themed playground while I shopped and got some tourist info

Then it was about an hour drive.  The scenery was great!

Next stop is a very old copper mine. It was an underground mine that became a pit mine when it collapsed almost 500 years ago

It is the source of the red paint for all the houses in Dalarna 

The museum we didn't have time to go see

We had picnic lunch at the playground near the mine

On the way out we stopped for coffee and of course Lincoln's pink drink

On the way out of town it rained super hard.  Like we could barely keep going.  Thankfully it didn't rain that hard for long

Next stop was the 6th century and viking burial grounds just outside of Uppsala

This is a 12th century church built on top of a pagen site

Old tryptic

Original baptism font

Ruin stone outside the church

We walked around the mounds, but our visit got cut a little short because rain was coming again

Pretty fields around the mounds

Lincoln finally let us take his picture.  We then raced to the car and made it just before it started to rain

The final stop before getting to Stockholm was Uppsala to see the University including the library, Linneaus garden and the Cathedral.  We quickly walked through the botanical garden to try to avoid the next round of rain

Sadly the library was closed when we got there

The Uppsala cathedral where lots of important Sweeds are burried

Including Linneus

Common mary statue

The beautiful ceiling

The place was huge.  We took a ton of pictures while we wondered around and waited for the rain to let up a little

The cathedral and University on our walk to the gardens

Old iron bridge

Linnaeus's garden 

There was an annual side and perennial side 

Lincoln loved getting in and smelling the flowers

Pretty delphiniums

Linneus and the museum (which was closed by the time we got there)

Look at the botanical gardens on the quick walk back to avoid getting a parking ticket

We stopped for gas in Stockholm is this gas station built into the side of a building

The rental car return went ok, but we had to lug the broken suitcase a few blocks

Our room on the top floor was pretty neat

We couldn't find an open non expensive restaurant so we ate in the hotel.  Which was still pretty expensive and not super great.  But at least it was food

After dinner we walked around for just a few minutes to see Stockholm before the rain in the morning

Cool buildings by the train station

For some reason the street our hotel was on had all these pink birds hanging over the street

Then we put Lincoln to sleep and stayed up way to late trying to make a plan for the next day that allowed us to see things, but avoid the predicted rain as much as possible.

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